Projects with this topic
The First Blood, Guadalcanal Campaign, wargame from Avalon Hill International Kriegspiel Society. Go here for the materials.
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My implementation of the Avalon Hill Games Company hex'n'counter wargame Gettysburg - Smithsonian Edition. See here if you just want the materials
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Python project running LaTeX for creating standalone tikz images in .pdf format.
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Draw non-linear Sankey diagram using Python and TikZ.
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Instructions for how to convert a PGF/TikZ picture with variable data in an animation
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TikZ styles to typeset graphs of program memory, available on CTAN
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Get illustrative event displays in the CMS transverse plane easily with TikZ!
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LaTeX to produce a facsimile of engineering paper, for use with GoodNotes and other writing apps. Please share mods with the community.
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Dianausaur is a Python script which allows PDF generation on Linux systems from exported (and auto-generated) LaTeX files with PGF/Tikz macros from Dia diagram editor.