Projects with this topic
Java persistence & distributed computing layers for FoundationDB
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A Rust-based microkernel heavily inspired by the KeyKOS family of microkernels
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A Java annotation processor which creates the boilerplate for your Database Access. It Checks your SQL strings online in the database and generates the result types for you.
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Contributions to the ParrotSec project and community. Join the || telegram group: @parrotsecgroup || || webirc: || irc Server: || Clear Ports: 6667 - 6669 || SSL/TLS Ports: 6697 - 7000 || XMPP Server: (Port:5222) || MUC: ||
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A test project to explore the design patterns used for the data-repo project, using in a more specific and straightforward conceptual context.
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The goal of this project is to showcase a simple but complete example of jdo persistence with a custom, 2 field ID along with a Collection. The database for this project is h2.
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Demo VBA application/template illustrating MVP design pattern backed by persistent storage
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Boxs is a python library for automatic handling of data.
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Abstraction layer around communication with a collection-based database.
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Odin is a Fast and Customizable Java serialization library that can be used to persist data or read configuration files