Projects with this topic
DERANDERE. Technology, IT, software development. PipetBot-A8 - A DIY lab robot made from 3D printer, its firmware Marlin2ForPipetBot and the lab robot control software GGCGen with its Opentrons-compatible backend pyotronext.
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Silomia []: Par le chemin des mots, toucher la lumière. / Touch the light through the path of words.
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My photo gallery which is accessible from
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A libre web app to design lighting diagrams for cinema and photography.
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Jekyll source for my Photo site
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Photography Website built using React JS. Bootstrap template has been used for base styling. Demonstrates lazy loading of images and components. Delivers high performance. CICD pipeline setup is made using firebase.
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Five Score Studios' main web page.
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A Jekyll website for my art and photography portfolio.
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The procedural tools I use in my deanimation artworks.
Uses Python, and depends upon:
FFMPEG for video frame extraction and encoding. Pillow for image manipulation and lighten/darken blending.Updated -
Experimental method to research "implicit optical perspective" in deep learning computer vision systems.
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The Photography for News Course is built on the activist-apprentice-course-template, and encompasses SWN's Photography for News guide.
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Course on learning how to take photos for use in Journalism.