Projects with this topic
This repository is for learning about the CI/CD with Github Actions from the course Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) on Coursera
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GitLab CI configuration files which can be included in other projects to create pipeline jobs
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Deploy from GitLab to Clever Cloud
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Contains a selection of utilities for dealing with unity projects on an automated basis
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Porion is an automation system that helps automate the building, testing and deployment of software development projects.
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component for initial mr with render project with cookiecutter template engine
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A game made in Godot 4. Has unit tests, and deploys to Itch automatically using Gitlab CI.
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Produce aggregate coverage statistics for CI integration of Go projects.
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Fetch gitlab-ci pipelines and see their job-details in a simple table with just "one" click.
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Deploy from GitLab to Clever Cloud
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This code sets up a turnkey, ready-to-go DevOps toolchain in minutes, using Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a platform for hosting all our tools on a virtual computer, accessible to us only. One command will trigger the fully automated process.
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The MegaMart Checkout Software Module enhances the online shopping experience by ensuring accurate cost calculation, stock verification, age compliance, and error handling. Real-time calculations, intuitive UI, and robust error handling optimize user experience. Testing includes acceptance and unit tests, CI/CD pipelines, and static analysis tools for code review. Implementation involves Python coding, unit testing using PyUnit, Test-Driven Development and bug fixing.
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Template to automate GitOps and IaC in a cloud. GitLab CI manages static and dynamic environments, which are created, updated, and destroyed by Terraform, then set up by cloud-init and Ansible.
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This project provides an ApiOpenStudio docker image for use in GitLab CI (NGINX + PHP 8.x)
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Drupal 8 stack based on a container architecture.
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Command-line tool for marking builds with too many warnings as failed. Also a command-line alternative for Useable with plugin-less CI systems.
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a tool to identify and exercise dependability stress tests; it analytically derives such worst-case fault injection campaigns from dependability models (e.g., a fault trees) and runs them via user-provided executables
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This is a sample project to demo a ci cd flow