Projects with this topic
Local-first mediaplayer which runs entirely in the browser.
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Enjoy your favorite TV and radio streams!
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Android program to manage and play classical music (but not only)
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Android application to play classical music from locally stored files and via Storage Access Framework. Handles work, movement, composer and performer instead of stupid "songs" and "artists".
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Reproductor minimalista para Youtube (Al estilo reproductor de Musica)
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Embedded Javascript Audio Stream Player for project
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Um player construído usando o Plyr com fortes modificações.
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Um player simples para streams usando o Icecast/Shoutcast.
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Fork of Karim Abou Zeid's Phonograph, to support FFmpeg playback
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Brightcove player examples
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Web mp3 player - set a folder in your file system and everybody will navigate through the folders and listen to the music stored there. This is a Netbeans + Glassfish 4 prj. It requires a Glassfish functionality - virtual server - to work.