Projects with this topic
sjsepan.pastel-powerline TOML theme for Bash using Starship and NerdFonts on Linux Mint. Also tested on fish and PowerShell on Linux, and fish and bash on GhostBSd.
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My starship configuration documented.
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Custom bash prompt and scripts
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A simple Qtile configuration with the formerly superior theme
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A Qtile configuration with the superior theme
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A blazing-fast, pure ZSH, mixed asynchronous powerline prompt that's easily extensible and extremely configurable.
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sjsepan.lcars2-powerline TOML theme for Bash using Starship and NerdFonts on Linux Mint. Also tested on fish and PowerShell on Linux, and fish and bash on GhostBSd.
The perfect (console-theme) gift for that Star Trek fan(atic) in your life :-) Colors sampled from the Classic and TNG Legacy themes on . This theme is a more elaborate variation on my first attempt at an LCARS theme, and include a graphic that appears to be a bracket after the previous command. Customization based on pastel-powerline preset. Edited using VSCode and Better TOML extension.
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sjsepan.lcars-powerline TOML theme for Bash using Starship and NerdFonts on Linux Mint. Also tested on fish and PowerShell on Linux, and fish and bash on GhostBSd.
The perfect (console-theme) gift for that Star Trek fan(atic) in your life :-) Colors sampled from the Classic and TNG Legacy themes on .
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sjsepan-pastelpowerline JSON theme v0.1 for Bash using Oh-My-Posh and NerdFonts on Linux
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