Projects with this topic
Simple object collision simulation using PyGame (radius technique)
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Simple object collision simulation using PyGame (linear technique)
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a procedual dungeon crawler for a private gamejam 2022
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originally a small test for orbital mechanics, bacame a try at a small resource manager + procedural texture generator
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entry for the 2024 pygame spring gamejam
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entry for the 2023 pygame summer gamejam
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an empty pygame project template with multithreading, scenes and userinterface
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Projet python de jeu en réseau à l'aide de Pygame
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3D Cube Visualization in Pygame
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A simple visualization of the QuickSort algorithm using Pygame.
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Pathfinding visualization implemented in Python using the PyGame.
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This is my first little program I have made
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In this game waves of aliens descend on you from above. Shoot'em up using you battle spaceship guns to protect Earth and all the beauty in the world. You have 3 ships. When alien touches you or reaches ground you loosing 1 ship. When ships over -- game ends. Use spacebar to shoot and arrow keys to move left and right. This game was developed by me as a part of Python practice and mastering using guide from E. Mattes book "Python Crash-course".
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Implémentation du jeu Puissance 4 en Python 3.10, utilisant la bibliothèque Pygame pour l'interface graphique.
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Happy at Night is a Pang style game developed for Indie Spain Jam 2023. The goals of the project were:
Take part in my first Game Jam. Learn PyGame-ce and improve my python skills while I was learning game developing basics.The Game Jam Theme was "The night falls". Then, the idea behind the project was to replace balls for suns. And when the player "kill" a sun, the game brightness is reduced.
You can use this project to learn PyGame or PyGame-ce.
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Avoid objects and collect fruits