Projects with this topic
This is the unpaired image-2-image and volume-2-volume translation project. It converts images or volumes of an input domain to a target domain using artificial intelligence.
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This is a project to train, use and analyze 2D and 3D neural networks for segmentation.
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A Face-Mask detection system.
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A real-time human counting system with age and gender classification.
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Code repository for GAME-Net (Graph-based Adsorption on Metal Energy-neural Network), a graph neural network for predicting the adsorption energy of closed-shell molecules on metal surfaces.
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This is a project to train, use and analyze 2D and 3D neural networks for segmentation. It contains a UI and is implemented in pytorch and django as backend.
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A CBIR and classification system that uses both representation learning and handcrafted features to build the image descriptors.
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Command Line Interface for developers of qary -- the open source, teachable AI assistant that truly assists, rather than manipulating you.
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Vamos a contruir un Chatbot Inteligente capaz de interpretar el lenguaje humano y generar respuestas coherentes con tu propia información
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This is a demo of my angular application for grammatical error correction with transformers based on multilingual Bart correction. The model is trained in 4 languages:
Italian English Russian GermanUpdated -
Code and data for Natural Language Processing in Action, 2nd Edition, by Maria Dyshel and Hobson Lane for Manning Publications
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MLP and CNN to classify TinyImage30 dataset. Fine Tuned models. Applied Grad-Cam to identify parts of the image that highly impact the classification based on model convolution gradients. Feature-2-Seq RNN encoder/decoder network trained on the COCO dataset. The produced model is able to predict reasonable captions for provided test images.
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As the first project for Talentsprint's Techwise, our group of five aims to create a functional and unique rendition of the classic chess game. The project begins on July 6 and is presented on August 22.
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Experimental method to research "implicit optical perspective" in deep learning computer vision systems.
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