Projects with this topic
The first step to learn a new language is to add to your vocabulary and learn the grammar. Safebook is a notebook for you to save your vocabulary and grammar rules.
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Calculator written as a Recursive Descent Parser
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Rosie Pattern Language (RPL) and the Rosie Pattern Engine, including librosie, CLI, REPL, and standard pattern library.
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Grammar for the liturgical markup language (lml) specified using antlr.
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This is a demo of my angular application for grammatical error correction with transformers based on multilingual Bart correction. The model is trained in 4 languages:
Italian English Russian GermanUpdated -
libELL: library to simply Embed LL grammar & parser inside C++ code
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Check and improve the spelling and grammar of documents
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PEGN is a universal notation for expressing any grammar in a way that is easy to parse cognitively and programmatically without any specific implementation in mind.
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Just a lib for parsing and serializing back APT sources.list
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A python LL(k) parser with a twist where tokens can be any arbitrary objects.
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English text linting, using the write-good module
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CopperCycle is a cross-platform library for generating text using grammars.
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Implements types from CPEG: A Typed Tree Construction from Parsing Expression Grammars with Regex-Like Captures in Dhall
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Final project for CSE 40243 (Compilers & Language Design - Fall 2019) at the University of Notre Dame.
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An addon to Mystcraft providing symbol tooltips
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Checks grammar of messages sent in Telegram PM or groups.