Projects with this topic
Blazor NET.8 TelegramBot HelpDesk
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OnRoad is a platform where users can anonymously contribute vehicle prices which helps the community get real and transparent pricing. Its USP is the complete breakdown of prices and hidden charges which separates it from the competition.
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Smartmovil is a project focused on battery management that goes beyond merely diagnosing battery behavior. Smartmovil offers a predictive system for indicators such as RUL (Reliable Useful Live), SoC (Statate of Charge), SoH (State of Health). These indicators enable timely actions to be taken in the maintenance and treatment of batteries. Furthermore, Biobusiness aims to cultivate a culture of battery management by implementing its devices in various familiar environments, including vehicles, homes, machinery, and other applications where effective battery management is essential.
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A full stack web application built for car dealership owners to easily store and manipulate data for their vehicle inventory, sales and servicing departments.
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Français: Projet API Rest permettant de gérer le CRUD de comptes bancaires et de transactions en passant par une file de message avec RabbitMQ
English: Rest API project to manage the CRUD of bank accounts and transactions through a message queue with RabbitMQ
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✩ PROJET ACADEMIQUE (en groupe) - 3ème année de cycle ingénieur - Systèmes embarqués
☛Projet d'architecture logicielle en Java EE
✍ Auteurs: SECK Malick, CABRAL Jorge, MOLLET Loïck, FAHIM HamzaUpdated -