Projects with this topic
Raspberry Pi fan controller script
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Ed Schröder's REBEL 15x2 Linux port
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Clase para integrar el sensor VEML6075 con python en aplicaciones fácilmente con métodos para obtener valores y estructura para generar dinámicamente su tabla con SQLAlchemy. Mide:
Índice UV UVA UVBUpdated -
Clase para integrar el sensor CJMCU-811 con python en aplicaciones fácilmente con métodos para obtener valores y estructura para generar dinámicamente su tabla con SQLAlchemy. Mide:
CO2 → Concentración de CO2 TVOC → Compuestos orgánicos volátilesUpdated -
Instalación y librerías personalizadas para display de 7 segmentos (8 dígitos) con el chip MAX7219 en Raspberry y Raspbian Estable
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Pequeña librería para el modelo 1602 chip HD44780 con el que trabajar más fácil y con algunas funciones predefinidas para mostrar información de forma sencilla
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Low resource radio using Raspbian on a Pi
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Installation from 0 of Raspbian and docker-compose.
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Linux scripts to manage a Minecraft server
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Single-board Computer (SBC) Tools. WIP
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The core project for creating images
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Run your own startup scripts on Raspbian, without ever having touched the Linux partition
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Typescript and node based bluetooth LE based indoor positioning client
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Projetos com Raspberry Pi Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4b Distro: Raspbian
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My Retropie configuration, both on Raspberry Pi and on a Mint live USB. Work in progress.
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A series of postinstallation scripts for Raspbian that should finally allow to automatically create a new user and remove the default "pi" one, install additional programs, etc.
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An avconv docker build to easily support live streaming from a given video device. Built specifically for Raspberry Pis!