Projects with this topic
This app is a Meetup Management Application that allows users to create and view meetups.
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This project was created with ReactJS and PaperUI. See it for yourself - Live Demo:
See more templates, snippets or projects here: Overview
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A project for a showcase custom react hook that creates typewriter effect on the screen.
Initially it's fetched from text file as an asynchronous source and kept as an array beforehand sending to useTypewriterEffect hook.
Custom hook can also take typewriting speed as a milisecond as a second parameter besides text as a list (array).
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Created simple calculator with react, used context api to working with the state. Using react-Textfit from Package manager:yarn. Hooks: useState, createComponent, useComponent
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Responsive Ecommerce App with React JS
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the first project in FH campus Vienna
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An Example Stream Application using Feathers with Next.js and React Hooks, Redux-Observable, and RxJS
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Simple React App for food ordering
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Frontend para el proyecto alumbrado bga con React
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A simple seconds stopwatch built with react hooks.
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React Class Components integrates with Product Store API (created by Java Spring Boot) that use for G-Able assignment
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An example Next.js project using React Hooks w/ Markdown, Bulma Sass styling; and AVA, Jest, and Cypress for testing.
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An Example Chat Application using Feathers with Next.js and React Hooks
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React Hook for getting the window.scrollY.