Projects with this topic
Built a dynamic quiz app with multiple question types and real-time score updates. Live:
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Created a real-time currency converter with live exchange rates and a user-friendly interface. Live:
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Former bond nerd that had zero coding experience and accidentally bought the IP for a ml platform that identifies bond trade opportunities. Learning full stack dev, devops, data engineering & clouds from the deep end of the pool.
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The social network is an educational project using React, HTML and CSS.
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Chat Room is a project developed with the purpose of deploy it easy. Developed with Node, React, Vite, Tailwind and can buy it in some of my websites:
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2020, TypeScript, Ant Design, React, Hooks, Redux, Firebase, GitLab CI/CD - Jiri Znoj - personal website
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Beginner projects that help and motivate me to keep learning.
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Conversion from Laravel to a complete MERN application
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CRUD using react 18 with react-hook-form, zod, tanstack-table, tanstack-query, shadcn/ui, typescript, playwright and json-server.
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test web3 game auth-eth token protection prototype-ethereum-monorepo
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Realtime 3d flight tracker written in React and three.js
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Personal webpage with developer projects and notes
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Materiales y componentes disponibles para React + Vite.
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Pkantilla modelo para un caso CRUD hecho con React JSX.
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Tabla dinámica que permite trabajar con orígenes de datos. Componente para React JSX.