Projects with this topic
O projeto é um aplicativo desenvolvido em React Native com TypeScript, projetado para permitir que os usuários interajam diretamente com a aplicação. A aplicação se conecta ao back-end por meio de uma API RESTful, utilizando endpoints específicos para carregar, inserir, atualizar e deletar dados conforme necessário. Os dados são organizados para fornecer uma experiência de usuário fluida e gameficada.
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Common JavaScript/TypeScript Utility and Utility Functions.
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Reverse Polish Notation visualization
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Naval Combat (BattleShip) Game, react implementation
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my portofolio with pokemon app
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Repository with basic examples of React.js with TypeScript.
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This project is mobile cross-platform application developed using React Native library and Typescript language. The application serves as git client for managing remote repositories directly from your phone.
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Todo list in React. With Redux.
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Interactive GUI components for the web-based user interface of Coocook
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A simple React component used for array filtering in an optimized way.
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An example demonstrating the ability to run a react application using WebView.