Projects with this topic
A simple and efficient regular expression implementation
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A regular expression generator for arbitrary sets of strings. Returns the patterns with exact or generalised character sets, depending on the choice of the user, and facilitates clustering over patterns to create superpatterns.
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Construction for any graph, a logical expression that describes the conditions under which the graph is 3-colourable using AWK
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advanced regular expressions for python -> extending the re module by Matthew Barnett (@mrabarnett)
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Control policial de entidades bancarias con Java (with ant) Web Application y base de datos, con operaciones CRUD y usando un patron MVC (Servlets como controladores, JSP con expression lenguage en las vistas y un modelo para consultas sql
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pipeable command line tool that interpolates and mutates color values and converts between different color formats
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Material for a class on regular expressions in python given at CodeLouisville