Projects with this topic
TUI for journalctl, logs in the file system and docker containers for quick viewing and filtering with fuzzy find and regex support.
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Practice and learn regular expressions
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A simple and efficient regular expression implementation
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Rosie Pattern Language (RPL) and the Rosie Pattern Engine, including librosie, CLI, REPL, and standard pattern library.
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Password generator with a regular-expression-like syntax.
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Block commands on bungeecord and bukkit with regex and permissions
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Third of five required projects for freeCodeCamp's JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures certification. Live:
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Scans selected files for patterns stated in rules. This is used in order to find secrets you may have accidentally written to a file. This scanner is used to show how the GitLab vulnerability report can be populated by a custom scanner. You can see a demo of it in action be following the documentation in the Secret List project.
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Small Java library that helps create regular expressions.
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A LAN based multithreaded chatting application built using Java Socket Programming that works on the Client-Server Architecture.
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A multithread client-server chat system with a command line interface developed using Java Socket Programming
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advanced regular expressions for python -> extending the re module by Matthew Barnett (@mrabarnett)
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ESLint rules using Regular Expressions
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[github mirror] nametag - set audio file tags based on file name