Projects with this topic
This is the community-made documentation for OptiFine's features, and contains detailed tables, pictures, tutorials, and other information. This documentation assumes you are using the latest version.
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A Sphinx domain for the Rust programming language
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A Both Static and Dynamic Flat-File CMS, Powered by PHP
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Build Docker image with Hugo, Asciidoc, and Restructured Text
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Marksman (markup source manager) is a commandline utility that inserts front matter into text files. It is used to prepare collections of markup files (markdown by default) as content for static site generators such as Pelican or Hugo.
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This repository holds YottaDB user documentation that is under development.
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A repository to store the POC and writeup for the gitlab-markup ReStructuredText parsing vulnerability.
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The goal is to be able to convert Open Document produced with Open Office (.odt files) into reStructuredText file (.rst files).