Projects with this topic
Deployed on and gitlab pages :
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A RevealJS presentation about docker for the Grenoble's Human Talks
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A RevealJS presentation about nix for the Grenoble's Human Talks
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A RevealJS presentation about Clap, a wonderfull Rust crate for a Rust meetup
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A RevealJS presentation about my use of (Neo)Vim and TMux
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Modèle pour déployer une présentation rédigée en Markdown -> Reveal.js HTML avec GitLab pages.
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Using markdown, write simple but beautiful presentations with math, animations and media.
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A starter for using React+TypeScript+Node to create a Reveal.js presentation
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Presentation from Neil Biedermann und @School_Guy about Design Patterns. -
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Clases de curso introductorio a QGIS en la Dirección Nacional de Recursos Acuáticos (DINARA - MGAP)