Projects with this topic
A bash script that helps creating local releases for ROS packages
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Service and message definitions for the robo_guide project The message and service definitions for the 6D object pose tracker.
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ROS wrapper for the scigl_render library. Contains nodes for augmented reality, projector and depth rendering.
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Track an object's 6D pose using a 3D model and a depth camera. The tracker is based on a particle filter and supports GPU acceleration via OpenGL for up to 90Hz on a laptop GPU.
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Library to simplify massively parallelized rendering of color and depth images via OpenGL (e.g. for probabalistic filtering).
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A small library for bayesian filtering: Filter Library IRT (Institut für Regelungstechink / Institute of Automatic Control, RWTH Aachen University). It does not try to be an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" as it accepts that the filter models are just too
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Secure & Autonomous Robot Assistants for Static and Dynamic Environments - This is the repository containing source code & user documentation for my BSc Computer Science project at the University of Leeds.
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Display topics values in a RViz plugin
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A minimal Qt GUI inside a ROS package
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Simple test algorithmen VPFR
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Automatic camera calibration
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A plugin for the RQT program to control a VisionPipeline for Ros
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PX4 offboard control library as ROS package
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ROS automated tests example package
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ROS package to publish floats (sin waves) over topics