Projects with this topic
Take care of your plants by controlling and monitoring them from this Open-source app developed in Python. You can manage different relays, check the temperature, humidity and even watch them on live camera.
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Plantilla para comenzar proyectos con Raspberry Pi Pico en Micropython preparando una clase que representa al controlador con la conexión wireless y sus detalles, lecturas de pines analógicos, medidor de tensión por ADC para baterías de 3,7v y temperatura interna. También se prepara estructura básica para comenzar a desarrollar un proyecto.
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Studying the effects of music in the growth of plants through an IoT automated farming solution.
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Raspberry Pi fan controller script
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Musicbox for children, written for the Raspberry Pi in python.
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functions to read values from I2C attached sensors
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Demo Stepper with micropython. Stepper model 28byj-48
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Instalación y librerías personalizadas para display de 7 segmentos (8 dígitos) con el chip MAX7219 en Raspberry y Raspbian Estable
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Petits projets avec un RPI Modèle B Rev2.
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Python Flask App API which serves data to both and to Prometheus (as a sort of exporter).
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Saca el máximo partido a tu Raspberry pi
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This project uses a Raspberry Pi to visualise netfilter's activity by triggering LEDs when a packet is either accepted or rejected.
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Juice4Halt shutdown script packaged for Raspbian
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KiCAD design files for a simple MOSFET PWM fan control for the Raspberry Pi SBC
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A large scale, human-powered, data transfer network powered by Raspberry Pis, backed by Twilio, DialogFlow, and GCP. Built for MHacks 11.
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Social and Web monitor for the raspberry pi. Shows information on seven segment screen and lcd.
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Sound installation which sonifies environmental wifi
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Beginner level Raspberry Pi GPIO programming using Python.