Projects with this topic
Take screenshots/screen recording using grim/wf-recorder and wrap it into rofi
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A shell script implementing Rofi or Dmenu to open desired Obsidian vaults
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Simple script that integrates KeePassXC and OpenVPN
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A collection of dmenu shell scripts.
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Official weather data ETL for wind energy project evaluation in El Calafate, Argentina.
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My personal settings for my linux workstation.
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My reusable templates. I hate writing code twice
😝 Updated -
My own custom CLI with lots of commands that I frequently use
🙂 Updated -
ScriptScribe is a POSIX-compliant shell script library which enables logging for any shell script.
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This repository will have a collection of shell scripts that I will start using in my learning and interest in creating a career like GoLang Dev.
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ScripTally is a POSIX-compliant shell library to keep a tally of steps started and completed in any script
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Scripts and snippets to automate and reduce the works and make life easier!
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personal dotfiles and scripts for a minimal arch desktop experience.
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Research study regarding the effect of docker image layers on performance.
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Navegue nos seus diretórios para encontrar os seus vídeos através do dmenu ou do fzf
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A simple bunch of bash function helpers.
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Repositorio para estudos e scripts em shell
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Example of provision of an alpine linux image into AWS EC2
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Shellscripts that block and unblock specific hosts upon request