Projects with this topic
A Docker-based installer and runtime for website applications.
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Yii 2.0 Basic Application Template - Modify Esto es un mirror de: https://github.com/fryntiz/yii2-app-basic.git Packagist → https://packagist.org/packages/fryntiz/yii2-app-basic#dev-master
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This is a framework for publishing a PHP environment on heroku. In the local environment, you can develop and check your work on the Docker environment.
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This is a framework for publishing a Django environment on heroku. In the local environment, you can develop and check your work on the Docker environment.
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Basic project skeleton for new GUI applications with GTK3 and Vala
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Plantilla de API con php y el microframework slim
Este es un mirror desde https://github.com/fryntiz/slim-template.git
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