Projects with this topic
Coronavirus Informantion on Telegram Chatbot
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Ensure presence and type of your app's ENV-variables.
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A simple GraphQL demonstration using Apollo Server and subscriptions.
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A simple GraphQL demonstration using Apollo server.
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A simple example of using Rails 7 + Import Maps
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A simple demonstration of a RESTful API microservice using FastAPI to create an Articles API that can be easily hosted on the Heroku platform.
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A Spring Boot RESTful API that is intended to run on Heroku and access a Heroku Postgres database which is integrated with Salesforce Account objects using Heroku Connect. The PostgreSQL instance includes the pgvector extension to perform similarity searches for Salesforce accounts by industry.
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One of first Django project with Heroku deployment
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Telegram bot designed to provide real-time weather information for any location in the world!
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Discover what tomorrow's developers are hacking on today.
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Userbot for Telegram with many functions.
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Tomi Toivio's JavaScript demo.
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The repository for the Young Enterprise Scotland Business Challenge.