Projects with this topic
Attempted to create a model that could determine the genre of a song based off of features from Spotify's data.
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School project. made a predicter for the next year app sales on google play.
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project for module 33.Airflow in the course "Basic Data Science" at Skillbox.
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A.I chatbot (written with Python) that uses Natural Language Proccess to understand user's requests, improves and learn with ML and Nuerons Net. Web application (built with React and Flask) as an interface.
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Bunyan is a Flutter app selling & buying real estate properties It provides a chatting feature to connect customers with properties owners It also contains an AI model for predicting prices for real estate properties
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Machine Learning - Multiclass Classification
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This is a Collaborative-Based Movie Recommendation System developed using methods of weighted_average and Normalization(MinMaxScaling()) of Average Rating and Popularity values.
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This model is developed on the Dataset for predicting Prices of cars. I have used RandomForestRegressor() algorithms for creating the model, plus I have used RandomSearchCV() function to do the Hypertuning.
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This is a Content-Based Movie_Recommendation_Engine based on the IMDB Movies Dataset
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Reimplementation and live testing of common machine learning algorithms and technologies
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2 NER tagger model created with Scikit-Learn and NLTK library.
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Miscellaneous Machine Learning Example Code for sci-kit learn, refactored to PEP8 style