Projects with this topic
An HTTP server which used to handle webhooks triggered by OpenDistro for Elasticsearch Alerting and forward them using SMTP emails.
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A microservice and rest api for sending emails with i18n and templating with custom variables.
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Running a mailserver for testing mail during development.
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A full example of sending an email using testcontainers and a mock smtp server.
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Scripts used for creating
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✩ PROJET ACADEMIQUE - 2ème année de cycle ingénieur - Systèmes embarqués
☛ Objectif: Réalisation d'un serveur mail SMTP léger TCP/IP en IPv4 et IPv6
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Python script to generate and mail certificates automatically.
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Password generator utility for AWS's SES SMTP. Hosted on gitlab pages:
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Postfix image on an Alpine base. Users stored in a PostgreSQL database.
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Simple mail delivery program that ships the message read from standard input to a preconfigured relay just like sendmail -i. Minimal implementation. No dependencies.
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Resend messages from smtp to vkontakte
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Docker files to run a Postfix server with OpenDKIM and OpenDMARC
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Check if an email address exists through SMTP request (no mail sent). Requires port 25 of the server running node-red to be open.
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Dockerized Postfix Send-Only (+ DKIM) or Receive-Only (+ Dovecot).
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Default sample of file used in POSTFIX Smtp Server.
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VuelosToday es una web piloto de búsqueda y reservas de vuelos, los usuarios de esta web pueden ser anónimos o registrados, tiene servicios de impresión, confirmación por correo y pago por PayPal.
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