Projects with this topic
The project provides Python tool-chain and shell scripts for molecular simulation workflows: preparation, running and analysing molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of bio- and organic soft condensed matter.
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Python library that allows Odoo to communicates with devices (printers, customer display, etc...) It replaces Odoo IoT Box or pywebdriver tools. Mainly used in a Point of Sale context.
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Projeto de jogo para meu trabalho de conclusão de curso
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tmd* is a simple tendency mask designer.
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Welcome to Freedom Privacy over Internet (FPoI) project about how to maintain freedom of speech and privacy using technology and Internet. How to protected against mass surveillance programs implemented by the states and how to live without GAFAM
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NAEIME is an attempt to build an electroacoustic music performance environment entirely based on Free Software (capital F, capital S).
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Maturaarbeit "Freie Software, freie Gesellschaft".
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Set RGB mode for the microphone HyperX Quadcast S on a Unix-like system
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Fully ts+vue(vite) image convertor png, jpg to webp
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Documenting functionality of virtual and augmented reality hardware and software on Linux.
Updated - - Free (as in freedom) open source clone of the Age of Empires II engine. -
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Plataforma Livre para cadastro e busca de fontes e aplicativos de dados abertos
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Hacer una buena retrospectiva pasa por algo más que utilizar un simple tablero. ReKaizen propone reunir la experiencia de los mejores equipos para aquellos que quieran abrazar la mejora continua.
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Firmware for embroidery machines and custom stepper motors control.
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For coordinating contributions and work for the FOSS Governance collection:
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cport - менеджер системы портов дистрибутива Calmira GNU/Linux. Входит в состав CABS (Calmira Automated Build System).
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Система портов - основное средство работы с программным обеспечением в Calmira GNU/Linux