Projects with this topic
Command-line notes on various topics and software
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🚀 The Docker-based, DevContainer development environment for multi-language projectsUpdated -
Ensures Snap is installed and properly configured on Linux systems
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GenDoc is kind of a preprocessor for docToolchain. It helps you documenting your project following the Arc42 approach.
2023-02-09, Holger Zahnleiter
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Lyconv is a piece-specific converter for sequential data in lilypond notation. It has been worked out for the piece Studi (1994)
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cport - менеджер системы портов дистрибутива Calmira GNU/Linux. Входит в состав CABS (Calmira Automated Build System).
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Public website for
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Scripts to make it easier to use FFMPEG for RTMP live streaming or local recording on older/lighter GNU/Linux systems.
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Tools made specifically for the GNU/Linux distribution "PsychOS 3.x.x" series. Please make sure to read all documentation before use. You may find the latest copy of PsychOS here:
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FreeBSD Software collection installer
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Here you can find the all the hardware and software for both the legacy, current and development versions of the ESP32 Weathercloud Weather Station, which you can find here:
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These are the scripts which I run to install my distro. It is relatively minimal and should be configurable. It doesn't use any proprietary repositories and never will do so. It might even become a new distro someday, but that is currently unlikely.
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Notes on videos uploaded to BitChute
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Did you accidentally set wrong fuses and your programmer refuse to communicate with chip? AVRunLocker can easily restore fuses on your AVR, so you can use it again! This is software for AVRunLocker