Projects with this topic
Game editor for the Solarus engine.
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Solarus legacy Launcher
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Source code for the Solarus Games website:
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DevOps resources for Solarus projects.
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Solarus themed for SimpleMachines Forums, based on Börü.
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The demo of our new Zelda fangame, made with Solarus.
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Game launcher for the Solarus engine.
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Source files for graphic design of Solarus (logos, icons, etc.)
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Zelda fangame created with Solarus.
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Second April fools game from the Solarus Team.
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The Only One Projet est une petite aventure hardcore avec un pré-donjon, et un gros donjon avec pleins d'énigmes tordus, un mini-boss 'rigolo', et un gros boss final original dans son pattern !
Download on :
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Parodic Zelda fangame made with Solarus.
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Graphics and sounds from Zelda: A Link to the Past compatible with the Solarus engine.
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Zelda fangame with Solarus - Remake of Zelda Oni Link Begins.
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Zelda fangame with Solarus - Remake of Zelda Return of the Hylian
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Libre graphics pack for Solarus based loosely on Zoria Tileset restrictions.