Projects with this topic
A free, interactive social investing platform where traders can track, share, or copy trades in real-time with extensive insights on every position & in-depth performance stats. Discover & follow top traders to receive live notifications of their trades, or compete against the best & climb the leaderboards.
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NVSTly is a free interactive social investing platform where retail traders can track, share, or copy trades in real-time with extensive insights on every position & in-depth performance stats- supporting all financial markets. Discover & follow top ranked investors to receive real-time notifications of their trades, or compete against the best & climb the leaderboard.
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NVSTly is a free interactive social investing platform where retail traders can track, share, or copy trades in real-time with extensive insights on every position & in-depth performance stats- supporting all financial markets. Discover & follow top ranked investors to receive real-time notifications of their trades, or compete against the best & climb the leaderboard.
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Monitor stock or exchange rate by scraping Google Finance
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This project focuses on extracting and visualizing stock data using Python libraries such as yfinance for historical stock prices and web scraping techniques to gather company revenue data. It provides a comprehensive analysis by plotting both stock prices and revenues over time for companies like Tesla and GameStop.
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Deep learning model that's using RNN and LSTM layers to predict prices on the stock market
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Projekt pobiera dane z twittera, 2 portali gospodarczych oraz GPW dotyczących spółek WIG20. Następnie następuje przetworzenie tekstu i jego analiza, tworzenie wykresów oraz zależności. Sprawdzany jest sentyment w gospodarce na podstawie słownika LOBI. Tworzony jest Topic Modeling wyłapujący 4 główne zagadnienia występujące aktualnie w wiadomościach. Na podstawie zmian zamknięcia cen akcji i klasteryzacji hierarchicznej tworzone jest drzewo zależności, które idealnie pokazuje jak dywersyfikować inwestycje na spółkach WIG20.
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A tool for automated analysis of stocks.
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An Investment Simulation Environment
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A Discord bot that allows you to play with the stock market
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R library of Quantitative Anlysis Tools