Projects with this topic
A common project template to start of, batteries included.
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Let someone else do your CI/CD Jobs!! This repo contains gitlab CI/CD jobs. It is designed so that you can add this repo as a git sub-module to import to your projects to run the jobs.
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Ready-to-use bash shell script templates at your fingertips!
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A tool that creates easy, fast and safe SlackBuilds files scripts:
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Ready to use, batteries included Docker Compose configuration file at your fingertips!
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Bissetii is the ZORALab web resources foundation for web applications/website developments and consumption. It's compatible with Hugo and Go.
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My reusable templates. I hate writing code twice
😝 Updated -
A microservice that renders templates the way you want. Scans/OCRs documents of many standard file types. Converts documents easily and creates thumbnails the way you want it.
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Collection of templating material for other projects. Contains a python project template, gitlab-ci templates and docker image builders.
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This is a set of templates for the nautillus context menu. The file is configured for an installation in French. If you want to install it in your language, be sure to replace the name “Modèles” by “Templates” in English.
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Plantillas para los libros de Adjetiva Editorial.
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Generate unit tests for c projects via check,
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Main library's repository