Projects with this topic
Pure Postfix installation in an Arch Linux Docker image, fully customizable via mounted volumes for usage on a Virtual Private Server.
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Semesterarbeit Klasse ITCNE23 – 4. Semesterarbeit
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以 政府資料開放平台 之 音樂表演資訊 為資料來源, 以django實作:1. 登入, 2. 音樂劇場表演訊息 之CRUD, 3. celery (period task):每日凌晨一時更新資料
Updated - Backend Developer Test Application - A Laravel 10-based test REST API project with Dockerized services (PHP, MySQL, Nginx, Node.js) and optional CLI commands for data management. Includes setup instructions for Docker and non-Docker environments, testing tools like PHPUnit and PHPStan, and CSV-based database seeding.
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Apache Kafka Raft (KRaft) cluster with 1 controller, 1 broker using Docker Compose:
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The SalesStream dashboards is an application for monitoring and analyzing revenue data in real time. By leveraging the power of Apache Spark and Apache Kafka, this system ensures that financial data is processed efficiently and in a timely manner, providing companies with up-to-date insights into their revenue streams.
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Launch a CodiMD service instance that satisfies your requirement in seconds!
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This project is a modernization of the previous zengo_test repository, utilizing a more modern tech stack. The frontend has been upgraded to use Vue 3 with Vuetify for the UI components and Pinia for state management. The backend has been refactored to use Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
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The Weather App is a real-time weather application utilizing a Laravel 10 backend API and a Vue.js frontend. This app provides a responsive, interactive experience for real-time weather updates in a Dockerized environment.
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This project is a simple authentication template using Vue 2, Vuetify, Vuex, and Vite. It demonstrates how to set up a basic authentication system in a Vue.js application using Vuex for state management, Vuetify for UI components, and Vite as the build tool.
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A reservation application that allows users to manage daily bookings across multiple locations, handle passes, and efficiently track and manage reservations.
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A backend authentication system built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. It supports Docker for easy deployment, including containers for the API, database, email testing (Mailhog), and MongoDB administration (Mongo Express).
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This project is a Vue 3-based frontend for a MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node.js) stack. It uses Pinia for state management and Vuetify for UI components, with Docker support for seamless containerization. The app communicates with the MEVN backend via REST API, implementing basic authentication and user registration using JWT tokens.
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A simple Laravel 10 application implementing JWT authentication. This project provides endpoints for user registration, login, and user data retrieval.
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A Dockerized environment for Yii2 applications, supporting frontend, backend, and API modules. Includes automated setup scripts and tools for streamlined development and deployment.
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A task management application built with Laravel 10 for the backend and Vue 3 for the frontend. It features task creation, modification, filtering, time tracking, and completion management. The app is fully containerized with Docker and includes services for Nginx, PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, Node.js, and Selenium for automated testing.
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This project builds a Lyric Generation Model using LSTM and CNN neural networks to create song lyrics across different genres. Focusing on NLP tasks, the model will be trained on a large corpus of song lyrics. To ensure portability and ease of deployment, the project will be Dockerized, allowing users to run the model seamlessly across different environments without setup issues. Docker will package all dependencies, providing a consistent workflow for development, testing, and production.
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DSFR Demo est un site fullstack inspirèe du système de Design français avec le thème DSFR for Drupal. Ce proet contient un Iac docker-compose, un makefile et un dotenv . Un module génial views_dsfr a été developpé pour gerer le bosstrap en mode DSFR ... fr-col-md-6
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