Projects with this topic
This is where all my Linux Configurations will live. This includes Files and Folders, including .bashrc, .zshrc, .xresources, .gtkrc-2.0 and Folders of My Application Configurations inside $HOME/.config
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transform folder with YAML's files to JSON resume's file
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Manifest files of the project with each environment.
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🥗 🥩🍰 Проект «Книга рецептов» - RecipeBook. Деплой на удалённый сервер в контейнерах. Автоматизация CI/CD.Updated -
An example of a quarto website deployment to GitLab pages:
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Workshop materials for Advanced CICD Workshop, June 16, 2021
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my own version of that I use in production (that does not mean I'm glad of this yet)
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A project scaffolding tool built from the ground up in Rust with the power of Yaml.
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JSON schema for Cloud Foundry manifest.yml configuration files
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A standard username/password authenticating system using yaml instead of a DB table
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create alter and mofidy schema from a ylm, really yml is to human..