Projects with this topic
KidPlus é um sistema para o gerenciamento de creches, desenvolvido em Java Web utilizando JSP e Maven, com suporte para Tomcat. A aplicação permite o cadastro e gerenciamento de responsáveis, professores, alunos, eventos e cardápios em um ambiente de creche.
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Updated variant of Tomcat-Vault project ( with stronger protections and cleaned up
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Um POC que demonstra que o Spring Boot recente (2.4.5) é capaz de criar uma aplicação web (war) que funciona com JSP.
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Small trial task with big amount of different technologies. Approved and accepted as good solution by Top Netcracker Senior Software Engineer.
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RH7 re docker -> tomcat -> war docker2 -> filebeat with persistent shared folder grafana
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Simple demonstration how to run a Tomcat within a Docker container as a non-root user with docker-compose.
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Undergraduate project in Home Communications, Server side - a smart shopping list application for the Android platform. The main feature of the app is to remind the user to purchase products again when they have finished their life cycle (IOT).
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Java course project: Wordiada - web app, variation of the Scrabble game. Tech: Java, Html, JavaScript, CSS, Servlets, Tomcat.
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The backend API component of a recently implemented programming test submission, illustrating skills in technologies stated on my CV.
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Sample spring boot rest test application