Projects with this topic
Cara (HRMVM) is a feature-rich virtual machine and a suit of tools built to execute Human Resource Machine assembly code. It offers a unique combination of compatibility with the original game and the potential for exploration beyond its boundaries.
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Virtual machine for Yeti Project / RISC-V Virtual machine as library
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A bytecode interpreter for statically typed functional languages
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A bytecode VM-based interpreter inspired from the Lox language, built using Zig.
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Implementation of the projects on
The purpose of this project is to build a general purpose computer (hardware and software stack) from first principles.
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Créer un compilateur pour transcrire un programme (dont la syntaxe est choisit arbitrairement) en arbre qui sera ensuite exécuté par une machine virtuelle.
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Simple C/B-like programming language to run partially interpreted on a platform-independent virtual machine. This project includes both a compiler and a POSIX-ish VM. Basically just C, but simplified and more spelled-out
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The Unlimited Register Machine (URM) as implemented per specification from Computability: An introduction to recursive function theory by N.J. Cutland. This is a modification of machine originally based on Shepherdson and Sturgis's model (1963).
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We use this project template to spin up an instance of the Find It program locator platform for testing. It also includes a DDEV setup that can take care of non-composer dependencies, such as Apache Solr.
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✭ MAGNETRON ™ ✭: Metasploitable3 is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities.
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A virtual machine, as a assambly code emulator
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a stack-based concatenative virtual machine for implementing highly concurrent languages
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Shoe horn is a utility that simplifies the process for side-loading an OS into a VM at a VPS (which typically use KVM or XEN) via their recovery boot (which is typically a Debian-based OS, such as Finnix).
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uGO Script Language (github mirror)
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Implementation of Alpheratz VM in Rust.
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Stack-based virtual machine for the NaCl language