Projects with this topic
A Wordpress git-friendly boilerplate based on Wordplate. Builds with Vite.js and uses Sass.
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Шаблон для проектов с использованием vite.
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For a given challenge as a readme.png within root directory, it's aimed to develop React-Vite-Redux-TypeScript-MUI-SASS single page application.
It presents default search result and allows users to search with 3 different criterias while paginating results.
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Second of five required projects for freeCodeCamp's "Front End Development Libraries" certification. Live:
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🎵 基于 Vue3 的在线音乐播放器 Online music player based on Vue3 采用 vite + vue3 + pinia + vue-router + areo-desigin + axios 等技术搭建Updated -
Repositório do site
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vue3+vite+pinia Dome 实现全局配置的dialog,主题颜色,以及生成自定义的vue 文件模版的功能
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Todo list with your profile
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Super simple Kanban board created with Vue + Vite.
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red social basada en twitter
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Web-site de una pagina web personal donde podrás compartir contenido con todo el mundo.
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Inception based Three.JS experience.
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Desarrollo de interfaz para mostrar lista de puertos mediante una tabla.