Projects with this topic
Простой проект сайта японского ресторана на Nuxt 3 + Pinia с адаптивом, реализацией функционала добавления/удаления товара из корзины, страницей оформления заказа. Верстка: scss, flex, grid. Адаптив - медиазапросы. Без API, так как не нашел адекватного бесплатного API под данный макет
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Социальный проект по борьбе с нарушениями автомобилистов, связанными со стоянкой или остановкой в неположенных местах.
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Prime Vue SPA webkit
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A Vue 3 package based on Pinia that helps to manage resource models.
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This project is a modernization of the previous zengo_test repository, utilizing a more modern tech stack. The frontend has been upgraded to use Vue 3 with Vuetify for the UI components and Pinia for state management. The backend has been refactored to use Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
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This project is a modernization of the previous weather_app repository, utilizing a more modern tech stack. The frontend has been upgraded to use Vue 3 with Vuetify for the UI components and Pinia for state management. The backend has been refactored to use Nest.js with MongoDB.
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This project is a Vue 3-based frontend for a MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node.js) stack. It uses Pinia for state management and Vuetify for UI components, with Docker support for seamless containerization. The app communicates with the MEVN backend via REST API, implementing basic authentication and user registration using JWT tokens.
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🎵 基于 Vue3 的在线音乐播放器 Online music player based on Vue3 采用 vite + vue3 + pinia + vue-router + areo-desigin + axios 等技术搭建Updated -
The app for musicians who need to always have the right tempo. Remetronome also provides the ability to find save and edit songs including beats and size.
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아르바이트와 소규모 사업장의 효율적인 연결을 지원하는 통합 근무 관리 플랫폼
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SPA App wit vue3 /Composition API/ and Pinia
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vue3+vite+pinia Dome 实现全局配置的dialog,主题颜色,以及生成自定义的vue 文件模版的功能
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Vue.js(TypeScript) application viewing information about pokemons
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