Projects with this topic
Displays a Mastodon timeline with posts embedded in your website. Very easy to setup, no dependencies, no trackers, cross-browser, WCAG compliant and fully responsive.
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Visualize, edit, share, and contribute : make open data better digital commons.
Official website : datami.multi.coop Mirror repo on Github
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Whatsapp chat widget for OctoberCMS
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This bundle adds Font Awesome icon widget functionality to contao. This makes managing icons a breeze. This allows you to create input fields that allow you to add Font Awesome icons to their articles.
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Fork of WebLibrarian, a WordPress plugin that implements a basic library collection and circulation system
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A fully stylized StackedWidget implementation
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A fully stylized TabsView implementation
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A widget created using the Songkick API to get and display upcoming and past gigs for an artist. This is an alternative to the official widget, which I've found improves on SEO. Google maps link added for the event venue. An example - seazooband.com
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NOTE: Currently, we're porting this over to our existing code style and modernizing it for WordPress 5.
Hi, I'm your team profile management plugin for WordPress. Show off what your team members using our shortcode, widget or template tag.
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Themes and widgets developed for UNDER magazine
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Модуль, добавляющий различные блоки для дизайна страниц на проектах METADATA.
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A widget plugin to show REST API based AJAXified site statistics in frontend.