Projects with this topic
Infrastructure-as-code project for my self-hosting hobby and more.
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YADR - The best vim, git, zsh plugins and the cleanest vimrc you've ever seen (GNU/Linux fork)
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My personal configs for various linux things
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TUI rice with neovim A-Z textobj + LF multimedia-sixel file manager
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This is a container that provides basic tooling and my personal config via dotfiles
Used this numerous times to troubleshoot cluster issues
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Write shell-neutral environment variables and export them in bulk to a variety of shells.
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🐋 📓 📽 Latex & Texstudio Dockerfiles with multiple texlive versions and proper command line toolsUpdated -
Dockerfile to create and EKS toolbox container with tools like: kubectl, eksctl, helm, aws-iam-authenticator and terraform all used in a oh-my-zsh with the powerlevel 9k tools and more...