Update macOS dependencies
This MR updates lots of dependencies. It also moves all executables to Contents/MacOS
- they belong there, not in Contents/Resources/bin
. (Libraries will be moved later to further straighten up the application bundle structure.)
Changes Made
Most significant change is the updated font stack, i.e. updating Pango to a version beyond 1.55 (see related GIMP news).
Also includes updates to GTK, Cairo, LibRaw, cfitsio.
Moving the executables to Contents/MacOS
requires that directory to be in PATH
(instead of the former Contents/Resources/bin
). The code has been simplified to use the PATH_MAX
constant instead of calculating the required storage.
Related Issues
Additional Notes
No good deed goes unpunished; the update to Pango resolved one issue and introduced another: font kerning looks broken. It's either that or it's picking a different UI font, issue needs investigation. This unwanted effect is being mitigated by configuring GTK's CSS properties to use the macOS default font (SF Pro).
Merge Request Checklists
Code follows project coding guidelines and its checklist -
I have submitted a MR in the documentation repository if required -
I have updated Changelog, listing the related issues. -
If my MR introduces new dependencies, I have run all the CIs, even the optional (manual) jobs.