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Update macOS dependencies

René de Hesselle requested to merge dehesselle/siril:macos_ci into master


This MR updates lots of dependencies. It also moves all executables to Contents/MacOS - they belong there, not in Contents/Resources/bin. (Libraries will be moved later to further straighten up the application bundle structure.)

Changes Made

Most significant change is the updated font stack, i.e. updating Pango to a version beyond 1.55 (see related GIMP news).
Also includes updates to GTK, Cairo, LibRaw, cfitsio.

Moving the executables to Contents/MacOS requires that directory to be in PATH (instead of the former Contents/Resources/bin). The code has been simplified to use the PATH_MAX constant instead of calculating the required storage.

Related Issues


Additional Notes

No good deed goes unpunished; the update to Pango resolved one issue and introduced another: font kerning looks broken. It's either that or it's picking a different UI font, issue needs investigation. This unwanted effect is being mitigated by configuring GTK's CSS properties to use the macOS default font (SF Pro).

Merge Request Checklists

  • Code follows project coding guidelines and its checklist
  • I have submitted a MR in the documentation repository if required
  • I have updated Changelog, listing the related issues.
  • If my MR introduces new dependencies, I have run all the CIs, even the optional (manual) jobs.
Edited by René de Hesselle

Merge request reports
