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Add tags field to runner in job/pipeline webhooks

Pedro Pombeiro requested to merge 255394-runner-tags-in-webhook into master

What does this MR do?

This MR adds a tags array of names to the runner object in Job and Pipeline webhooks. It lists the same values that are present in the CI_RUNNER_TAGS environment variable passed to a runner.

This allows customers running self-hosted runner fleets to determine if jobs are being assigned to runners with given tags.

There should be no risk with this change since it is just adding an additional field of an already listed object.


I created a webhook sink at and used the endpoint to create a webhook for job and pipeline changes on a local GDK instance project.

The builds were run on a runner with the local-gdk mac shell tags:


The new tags field is visible in the payloads that resulted (see below).


    - printenv
    - echo Done
  tags: [local-gdk]


Job start webhook payload
    "object_kind": "build",
    "ref": "webhooks",
    "tag": false,
    "before_sha": "66e3f2c45cc0be9f9f39ca7657ba06a242f3def8",
    "sha": "44c12232a715aca150e460ba53294dbb680efdb3",
    "build_id": 1149,
    "build_name": "build",
    "build_stage": "test",
    "build_status": "running",
    "build_started_at": "2021-01-13 17:57:05 UTC",
    "build_finished_at": null,
    "build_duration": 0.619811,
    "build_allow_failure": false,
    "build_failure_reason": "unknown_failure",
    "pipeline_id": 147,
    "runner": {
        "id": 3,
        "description": "Local GDK shell runner",
        "active": true,
        "is_shared": false,
        "tags": [
    "project_id": 20,
    "project_name": "Administrator / playground",
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Administrator",
        "username": "root",
        "avatar_url": "",
        "email": ""
    "commit": {
        "id": 147,
        "sha": "44c12232a715aca150e460ba53294dbb680efdb3",
        "message": "Update .gitlab-ci.yml",
        "author_name": "Administrator",
        "author_email": "",
        "author_url": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root",
        "status": "pending",
        "duration": null,
        "started_at": null,
        "finished_at": null
    "repository": {
        "name": "playground",
        "url": "ssh://pedropombeiro@gdk.localhost:2222/root/playground.git",
        "description": "",
        "homepage": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root/playground",
        "git_http_url": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root/playground.git",
        "git_ssh_url": "ssh://pedropombeiro@gdk.localhost:2222/root/playground.git",
        "visibility_level": 0
Pipeline start webhook payload
    "object_kind": "pipeline",
    "object_attributes": {
        "id": 147,
        "ref": "webhooks",
        "tag": false,
        "sha": "44c12232a715aca150e460ba53294dbb680efdb3",
        "before_sha": "66e3f2c45cc0be9f9f39ca7657ba06a242f3def8",
        "source": "push",
        "status": "running",
        "detailed_status": "running",
        "stages": [
        "created_at": "2021-01-13 17:56:54 UTC",
        "finished_at": null,
        "duration": null,
        "variables": []
    "merge_request": null,
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Administrator",
        "username": "root",
        "avatar_url": "",
        "email": ""
    "project": {
        "id": 20,
        "name": "playground",
        "description": "",
        "web_url": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root/playground",
        "avatar_url": null,
        "git_ssh_url": "ssh://pedropombeiro@gdk.localhost:2222/root/playground.git",
        "git_http_url": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root/playground.git",
        "namespace": "Administrator",
        "visibility_level": 0,
        "path_with_namespace": "root/playground",
        "default_branch": "master",
        "ci_config_path": null
    "commit": {
        "id": "44c12232a715aca150e460ba53294dbb680efdb3",
        "message": "Update .gitlab-ci.yml",
        "title": "Update .gitlab-ci.yml",
        "timestamp": "2021-01-13T18:56:51+01:00",
        "url": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root/playground/-/commit/44c12232a715aca150e460ba53294dbb680efdb3",
        "author": {
            "name": "Administrator",
            "email": ""
    "builds": [
            "id": 1149,
            "stage": "test",
            "name": "build",
            "status": "running",
            "created_at": "2021-01-13 17:56:54 UTC",
            "started_at": "2021-01-13 17:57:05 UTC",
            "finished_at": null,
            "when": "on_success",
            "manual": false,
            "allow_failure": false,
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Administrator",
                "username": "root",
                "avatar_url": "",
                "email": ""
            "runner": {
                "id": 3,
                "description": "Local GDK shell runner",
                "active": true,
                "is_shared": false,
                "tags": [
            "artifacts_file": {
                "filename": null,
                "size": null
Pipeline end webhook payload
    "object_kind": "pipeline",
    "object_attributes": {
        "id": 147,
        "ref": "webhooks",
        "tag": false,
        "sha": "44c12232a715aca150e460ba53294dbb680efdb3",
        "before_sha": "66e3f2c45cc0be9f9f39ca7657ba06a242f3def8",
        "source": "push",
        "status": "success",
        "detailed_status": "passed",
        "stages": [
        "created_at": "2021-01-13 17:56:54 UTC",
        "finished_at": "2021-01-13 17:57:09 UTC",
        "duration": 2,
        "variables": []
    "merge_request": null,
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Administrator",
        "username": "root",
        "avatar_url": "",
        "email": ""
    "project": {
        "id": 20,
        "name": "playground",
        "description": "",
        "web_url": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root/playground",
        "avatar_url": null,
        "git_ssh_url": "ssh://pedropombeiro@gdk.localhost:2222/root/playground.git",
        "git_http_url": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root/playground.git",
        "namespace": "Administrator",
        "visibility_level": 0,
        "path_with_namespace": "root/playground",
        "default_branch": "master",
        "ci_config_path": null
    "commit": {
        "id": "44c12232a715aca150e460ba53294dbb680efdb3",
        "message": "Update .gitlab-ci.yml",
        "title": "Update .gitlab-ci.yml",
        "timestamp": "2021-01-13T18:56:51+01:00",
        "url": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root/playground/-/commit/44c12232a715aca150e460ba53294dbb680efdb3",
        "author": {
            "name": "Administrator",
            "email": ""
    "builds": [
            "id": 1149,
            "stage": "test",
            "name": "build",
            "status": "success",
            "created_at": "2021-01-13 17:56:54 UTC",
            "started_at": "2021-01-13 17:57:05 UTC",
            "finished_at": "2021-01-13 17:57:08 UTC",
            "when": "on_success",
            "manual": false,
            "allow_failure": false,
            "user": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Administrator",
                "username": "root",
                "avatar_url": "",
                "email": ""
            "runner": {
                "id": 3,
                "description": "Local GDK shell runner",
                "active": true,
                "is_shared": false,
                "tags": [
            "artifacts_file": {
                "filename": null,
                "size": null
Job end webhook payload
    "object_kind": "build",
    "ref": "webhooks",
    "tag": false,
    "before_sha": "66e3f2c45cc0be9f9f39ca7657ba06a242f3def8",
    "sha": "44c12232a715aca150e460ba53294dbb680efdb3",
    "build_id": 1149,
    "build_name": "build",
    "build_stage": "test",
    "build_status": "success",
    "build_started_at": "2021-01-13 17:57:05 UTC",
    "build_finished_at": "2021-01-13 17:57:08 UTC",
    "build_duration": 2.801132,
    "build_allow_failure": false,
    "build_failure_reason": "unknown_failure",
    "pipeline_id": 147,
    "runner": {
        "id": 3,
        "description": "Local GDK shell runner",
        "active": true,
        "is_shared": false,
        "tags": [
    "project_id": 20,
    "project_name": "Administrator / playground",
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Administrator",
        "username": "root",
        "avatar_url": "",
        "email": ""
    "commit": {
        "id": 147,
        "sha": "44c12232a715aca150e460ba53294dbb680efdb3",
        "message": "Update .gitlab-ci.yml",
        "author_name": "Administrator",
        "author_email": "",
        "author_url": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root",
        "status": "success",
        "duration": 2,
        "started_at": "2021-01-13 17:57:06 UTC",
        "finished_at": "2021-01-13 17:57:09 UTC"
    "repository": {
        "name": "playground",
        "url": "ssh://pedropombeiro@gdk.localhost:2222/root/playground.git",
        "description": "",
        "homepage": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root/playground",
        "git_http_url": "http://gdk.localhost:3000/root/playground.git",
        "git_ssh_url": "ssh://pedropombeiro@gdk.localhost:2222/root/playground.git",
        "visibility_level": 0

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team

Closes to #255394 (closed)

Edited by Pedro Pombeiro

Merge request reports
