Update registry paths on Archives page
What does this MR do and why?
Adds handling for a third Archives image endpoint, used for listing archive images on this page: https://new.docs.gitlab.com/archives/.
We have 3 endpoints because we changed our Docker registry path after introducing Lunr search in 15.6, and now we'll have another change when we launch on the gitlab-docs-hugo project.
The template applies logic like this:
- Fetches responses from all endpoints in order (v3, v2, v1)
- For each endpoint:
- Filters for stable versions
- Sorts versions within that endpoint
- Adds endpoint information to each version
- Combines all versions into one list
- Sorts the combined list
- Renders versions in order, skipping duplicates. If a version exists in multiple endpoints, uses the first/newest endpoint.
Closes #155 (closed)
How to set up and validate locally
Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.
Configure a local GitLab Docs environment: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/technical-writing-group/gitlab-docs-hugo/-/blob/main/doc/setup.md. -
Edit hugo.yaml
locally and set the value ofhugoLaunchVersion
to a recently released version (like 17.5) -
Run make view
and visit the archives page (http://localhost:1313).
Expected behavior:
- You should see the new Hugo project registry path in the Archive list for versions equal to or newer than
for versions if there's a container image for it (https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/technical-writing-group/gitlab-docs-hugo/container_registry/8197615)- So, right now, 17.7 exists on the v2 endpoint, but not v3, so we use v2
🙃 this will all less weird when we're cutting normal releases and new releases are all from this project.
- So, right now, 17.7 exists on the v2 endpoint, but not v3, so we use v2
- Releases should be in order, desc, by semantic version number.
- List should only have links to actual published container registry entries.
- As before, the v1/v2 endpoint is split at 15.6.
Merge request acceptance checklist
This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this merge request.
Edited by Hiru Fernando