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Update registry paths on Archives page

Sarah German requested to merge 155-new-archives-image-url into main

What does this MR do and why?

Adds handling for a third Archives image endpoint, used for listing archive images on this page:

We have 3 endpoints because we changed our Docker registry path after introducing Lunr search in 15.6, and now we'll have another change when we launch on the gitlab-docs-hugo project.

The template applies logic like this:

  1. Fetches responses from all endpoints in order (v3, v2, v1)
  2. For each endpoint:
    • Filters for stable versions
    • Sorts versions within that endpoint
    • Adds endpoint information to each version
  3. Combines all versions into one list
  4. Sorts the combined list
  5. Renders versions in order, skipping duplicates. If a version exists in multiple endpoints, uses the first/newest endpoint.

Closes #155 (closed)

How to set up and validate locally

Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.

  1. Configure a local GitLab Docs environment:
  2. Edit hugo.yaml locally and set the value of hugoLaunchVersion to a recently released version (like 17.5)
  3. Run make view and visit the archives page (http://localhost:1313).

Expected behavior:

  • You should see the new Hugo project registry path in the Archive list for versions equal to or newer than $hugoLaunchVersion for versions if there's a container image for it (
    • So, right now, 17.7 exists on the v2 endpoint, but not v3, so we use v2 🙃 this will all less weird when we're cutting normal releases and new releases are all from this project.
  • Releases should be in order, desc, by semantic version number.
  • List should only have links to actual published container registry entries.
  • As before, the v1/v2 endpoint is split at 15.6.

Merge request acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Hiru Fernando

Merge request reports
