Remove v-html from app/assets/javascripts/repository/components/table/row.vue 3 of 10 checklist items completed
Replace v-html with v-safe-html from app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/user_popover/user_popover.vue 3 of 10 checklist items completed
gitlab-org/build/CNG!750 13.12 13-12-stable
omnibus-gitlab!5578 13.12 13-12-stable
Cached commits [RUN ALL RSPEC] [RUN AS-IF-FOSS] 1 of 14 checklist items completed
POC: Create new way of encrypting tokens 0 of 14 checklist items completed
Allow skipping before parsing .gitlab-ci.yml 4 of 6 checklist items completed
container-registry!604 13.12
Remove ActiveRecord patch for selecting columns [RUN ALL RSPEC] 0 of 14 checklist items completed
omnibus-gitlab!5388 13.12 13-12-stable
Fix problems with ldap users with expired password 8 of 14 checklist items completed
Removes the `includes` from pipeline object in failed_builds 0 of 14 checklist items completedgitlab!58079 13.12
Draft: Allow `kas` to optionally specify which redis cluster to use configuration from 4 of 8 checklist items completedgitlab-org/charts/gitlab!1876 13.12
Enforce term 'topic' instead of 'tag' in project context 7 of 8 checklist items completed