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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v2.0.6
    d36db570 · version 2.0.6 ·
    Release: version 2.0.6
    version 2.0.6
  • v2.0.5
    6c43d773 · version 2.0.5 ·
    Release: version 2.0.5
    version 2.0.5
  • v2.0.4
    52be1157 · version 2.0.4 ·
    Release: version 2.0.4
    version 2.0.4
    * Fixes
       - allow unquote and unquote-splicing in syntax definitions
       - conformity of define-record-type constructors
    * Improvements
       - included extern "C" for c++
       - improved linking with MacOS linker
       - improved if/true/false branching
       - improvement of stack dump
       - foreign functions receive const pointer
       - switched operators
       - improve management of instruction
  • v2.0.3
    84b1f220 · version 2.0.3 ·
    Release: v2.0.3
    version 2.0.3
  • v2.0.2
    98eefab6 · version 2.0.2 ·
    Release: v2.0.2
    * Features
       - new functions 'tr7_play_file' and 'tr7_play_string',
         similar to 'tr7_(load|run)_(file|string)' but with fine
         tuning options and funny name.
       - support of colon prefixed SRFI number (see SRFI 97)
       - new procedure (list-copy* L S E E) in (tr7 extra)
       - new syntax (check-types BOOLEAN) in (tr7 extra)
       - new procedure (tr7-keep-playing) in (tr7 trace)
    * Changes
       - forward generation of byte code in bytevector (#20)
       - tr7i stops on first error when loading scripts and report it
         in its exit status
       - for-each procedure family now returns nothing
       - setting record values now returns nothing
       - improved implementation of records
       - split of stack in two parts: data and operand
       - use of callself optimized for tail calls or not
       - use less memory for local variables by spoting scope
       - separation of local variables and closure variables
       - better report of errors and lines
    * Fixes
       - detection of misplaced definitions (#18)
       - global safety stack
  • v2.0.1
    1b418d70 · version 2.0.1 ·
    * Fixes
       - revert no variable error
       - bug introduced by CALLSELF (closure frame shall be fresh)
       - fix global safety stack
  • v2.0.0
    4cbdd409 · version 2.0.0 ·
    * Fixes
       - detection of misplaced definitions (#18)
    * Features
       - new functions 'tr7_play_file' and 'tr7_play_string',
         similar to 'tr7_(load|run)_(file|string)' but with fine
         tuning options and funny name.
       - support of colon prefixed SRFI number (see SRFI 97)
       - new procedure (list-copy* L S E E) in (tr7 extra)
       - new syntax (check-types BOOLEAN) in (tr7 extra)
       - new procedure (tr7-keep-playing) in (tr7 trace)
    * Changes
       - forward generation of byte code in bytevector (#20)
       - tr7i stops on first error when loading scripts and report it
         in its exit status
       - for-each procedure family now returns nothing
       - setting record values now returns nothing
       - improved implementation of records
       - split of stack in two parts: data and operand
       - use of callself optimized for tail calls or not
       - use less memory for local variables by spoting scope
       - separation of local variables and closure variables
       - better report of errors and lines
  • v1.1.1 protected
    07fc30f1 · version 1.1.1 ·
    Release: v1.1.1
    * Fixes
       - counting lines when manifest string intraline is read
  • v1.1.0 protected
    d8e5b233 · version 1.1.0 ·
    Release: version 1.1.0
    TR7 version 1.1.0
    In brief:
    - this version no more used wide io of libc, consequently,
      hackers can use printf all around their code
    - improved UNICODE support, free characters but string must be UTF8
    - refactor of foreign pointers
    In details:
    * Fixes
       - case-lambda now seen as valid procedure
    * Changes
       - new field in middle of tr7_config_t: stack_size_max
       - signature of function for foreign pointer changed (#36)
       - move IO from WIDE to UTF8 (#37): now compatible with printf!
       - add install target in Makefile
       - add predicate `char-unicode?` in library (scheme char)
       - string are enforced to be valid UTF8 with valid UNICODE characters
    * Improvements
       - improve formatting of symbols (!13)
       - return UNICODE REPLACEMENT character on character read error
       - write UNICODE REPLACEMENT character when needed
       - implementation of SRFI-69 hash primitives (!18)
         string-hash, string-ci-hash, hash-by-identity, hash
       - report bounds that caused 'out of bound' error (#38)
       - added function tr7_unsafe_list_length
       - added function tr7_unsafe_memv_pair
       - stricter signed/unsigned code
       - added stack limitation check
  • v1.0.14 protected
    fe4c8b54 · version 1.0.14 ·
    Release: v1.0.14
    version 1.0.14
  • v1.0.13 protected
    daafad12 · version 1.0.13 ·
    Release: v1.0.13
    version 1.0.13
  • v1.0.12 protected
    eb10c0a8 · version 1.0.12 ·
    Release: v1.0.12
    version 1.0.12
  • v1.0.11 protected
    9d4ba50a · version 1.0.11 ·
    version 1.0.11
  • v1.0.10 protected
    315d0bc2 · version 1.0.10 ·
    Release: v1.0.10
    version 1.0.10
  • v1.0.9 protected
    63ba12ac · version 1.0.9 ·
    Release: v1.0.9
    version 1.0.9
  • v1.0.8 protected
    bb73ff96 · version 1.0.8 ·
    Release: version 1.0.8
    version 1.0.8
    * Fixes
       - emit an error message on failure in define-library (issue#25)
       - compute of lines when compiling
       - error message when reading includes (issue#24)
    * Changed
       - more accurate jiffies when possible (posix 1993)
       - more digits for double output
       - improved error report
  • v1.0.7 protected
    e479a89c · version 1.0.7 ·
    Release: version 1.0.7
    version 1.0.7
    * Fixes
       - don't crash on quoted recursive data (TO BE IMPROVED), restores testing
       - really handle flag COMMON_ROOT_ENV
    * Changed
       - foreign C functions collected in library (tr7 foreigns)
       - load-extension handles library of import (can't be builtins)
  • v1.0.6 protected
    1459bcd9 · version 1.0.6 ·
    Release: version 1.0.6
    version 1.0.6 (2023/09/22)
    * Added
       - DEBUG_LINES option to remove line tracking
    * Fixes
       - fix compiling with option -funsigned-char
       - fix binding values as formals of lambdas
       - fix quoting of syntax parameters
    * Changed
       - handling of static record descriptor with macros
       - handling of names of control characters
  • v1.0.5 protected
    aa3726b0 · version 1.0.5 ·
    Release: version 1.0.5
    version 1.0.5
    * Added
       - processing of #e and #i
       - library (scheme division) = (srfi 141)
    * Fixes
       - detection of overflow in multiplications when builtins not available
       - fix result of floor/ when reminder is nul and denominator is negative
       - fix unquoting after a dot in lists (#17)
    * Changed
       - internal handling of numbers
  • v1.0.4 protected
    c2b6cc18 · version 1.0.4 ·
    Release: Version 1.0.4
    version 1.0.4