transliteration: a couple of bugs have been corrected; the documentation of arabluatex now has additional sample files.
This release fixes two bugs: ʾalif maqṣūrah being wrongly interpreted from buckwalter 'Y' to 'arabica' transliteration; \cap being discarded in transliterated sequences when they were inserted into non-transliterated Arabic environments or commands
'arabica' transliteration: a couple of bugs have been corrected
arabluatex now supports 'arabica' transliteration standard
mention in README that the documentation is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license
new arabluatex.el AUCTeX style file; the documentation is now licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license
several bugs have found their ways into v1.6: final hamzah was not parsed correctly in some cases, 'quoting' a consonant was discarded in fullvoc mode and long vowels were not shortened before allaḏī
new \arbnull command for putting back on any contextual analysis rule broken by other commands
arabluatex can now typeset Arabic poetry; as of v1.6, the assimilation rules are not any more applied by default; more than 150 new rules for processing punctuation characters at word boundaries have been added
arabluatex can now process environments and list environments; other new features: utf8 Arabic input and compatibility with the 'quran' package
bugfix: wrong carrier of final hamzah between ʾalif mamdūdah and yāʾ
new \SetArbEasy* which takes away the automatically generated sukūn while \SetArbEasy does not any longer
arabluatex now accepts brackets in both Arabic and transliteration modes
several improvements/bugfixes in dmg transliteration mode
arabluatex also accepts the Buckwalter 'safe' input scheme
arabluatex now accepts the Buckwalter input scheme
arabluatex v1.3: ʾiʿrāb is now parsed and may be displayed in various ways in 'dmg' mode
arabluatex.bib is now included in arabluatex.dtx
new 'abjadify' function; upgraded to GPLv3; improved taḫfīfu 'l-hamzati