Projects with this topic
A command line interface for discretionary traders / manual - hybrid trading with a powerful order design system for Binance + FTX. For manual traders who prefer a keyboard over using a mouse. Mostly to gain a speed advantage over everyone else.
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Applying particle filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Searching segments of scan from file for minimum vertical distance. Topics: #algorithm #scan #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying median filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying mean filter and echo filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying edge hit filter on scans read from a file. Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Apply background filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Calculates meta information and smoothes weather data Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace
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Space-efficient logging of statistics data using Profile.Log API. Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace
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Introduction to the possibilities of the Profile API Topics: #algorithm #profile #getting-started #sample #sick-appspace
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Detecting change in a set of data Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying a median filter to Scan data retrieved from file. This sample uses the flow approach. Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #flow #sample #sick-appspace
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Detecting edges in profile measuring grooves. Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace
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Matching profiles using cross correlation. Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace
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Demonstration of basic options for manipulating Profiles. Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace
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Retrieving and displaying histograms with Profile API. Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace
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Finding min and max point in heightmap and calculating angle using Profile API Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace
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Detects knees in a profile Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace
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Inspecting gaps in a heightmaps Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace
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Calculates the robust height of multiple steps in a profile Topics: #algorithm #profile #sample #sick-appspace