Projects with this topic
scanning apk artifacts of Tiny Weather Forecast Germany for trackers using the exodus-core Python module by Exodus Privacy
mirror repository (!)
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Spock stared hard at his tricorder, as if by sheer will he might force it to tell him the answer to his questions
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Applying particle filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Demonstration of applying MovingAveragingFilter on scan data. Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Searching segments of scan from file for minimum vertical distance. Topics: #algorithm #scan #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying median filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying mean filter and echo filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying edge hit filter on scans read from a file. Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying echo filter on scans read from a file. Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Providing a scan view which shows the detected foreground points in front of a teached-in background contour. Topics: #algorithm #scan #sample #sick-appspace
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Apply background filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Recording scan data from a scanner device to a file Topics: #remote-device #scan #recording #acquisition #sample #sick-appspace
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Retrieving scans from remote device and view as point cloud using Lua script. Topics: #remote-device #scan #point-cloud #acquisition #sample #sick-appspace
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SOLARSCAN* ( SOLAR SCAN ) is a software for processing the video acquisition of the sun made with the instrument Sol'Ex.
Reading of the video sequence, construction of a raw solar disk, geometric correction of the solar disk
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A module for MagicMirror which determines the status of devices on the network based on their MAC address.
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Applying a median filter to Scan data retrieved from file. This sample uses the flow approach. Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #flow #sample #sick-appspace
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Retrieving scans and viewing as point cloud, using the Flow approach. Topics: #remote-device #scan #flow #point-cloud #acquisition #sample #sick-appspace
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Framework to create arbitrary TLS test cases. Comes with a TLS server scanner plugin.
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client and server app for scanning documents, packaging via zip, and transferring to a server via WCF.