Projects with this topic
Clean & extensible Sorting, Filtering, and Pagination for ASP.NET Core
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Имеется некая система, которая обрабатывает авиа перелеты. Перелет — это перевозка пассажира из одной точки в другую с возможными промежуточными посадками. Т. о. перелет можно представить как набор из одного или нескольких элементарных перемещений, называемых сегментами. Сегмент — это атомарная перевозка, которую для простоты будем характеризовать всего двумя атрибутами: дата/время вылета и дата/время прилета.
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Set of streaming examples implemented using the FractalWorks Joule platform inspired by telco experience.
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Implement the dynamic filter and see the results Topics: #filtering #visionary #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying particle filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Demonstration of applying MovingAveragingFilter on scan data. Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying median filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying mean filter and echo filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying edge hit filter on scans read from a file. Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying echo filter on scans read from a file. Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Apply background filter on scans read from a file Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #sample #sick-appspace
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Segmenting objects by threshold/compare to background and removing noise with morphology operations. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #filtering #arithmetic #sample #sick-appspace
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Removing salt/pepper noise by applying median filter. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #filtering #arithmetic #sample #sick-appspace
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Measuring the flatness in an image and obtaining a region where the image is flat. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #filtering #arithmetic #sample #sick-appspace
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Cropping and rectifying a region of an input image. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #filtering #arithmetic #sample #sick-appspace
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Use the Image.BackgroundModel functionality to detect anomalies. The background model is created from images of objects with no defects, and then run on images of objects with and without defects. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #filtering #arithmetic #sample #sick-appspace
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Use the Image.BackgroundModel functionality to detect objects that are entering a scene or changing in appearance. Topics: #algorithm #image-3d #filtering #arithmetic #sample #sick-appspace
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Use the Image.BackgroundModel functionality to detect objects that are entering a scene or changing in appearance. Topics: #algorithm #image-2d #filtering #arithmetic #sample #sick-appspace
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Applying a median filter to Scan data retrieved from file. This sample uses the flow approach. Topics: #algorithm #scan #filtering #flow #sample #sick-appspace