Projects with this topic
以 政府資料開放平台 之 音樂表演資訊 為資料來源, 以django實作:1. 登入, 2. 音樂劇場表演訊息 之CRUD, 3. celery (period task):每日凌晨一時更新資料
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This repository holds code for the AskAnna Backend. Our backend stack primarily uses Django and the Django REST Framework.
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API diseñada en Django para el consumo de
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Point of Sales backend API REST developed with Django and Django REST Framework (DRF), documented using Swagger and deployed with Docker.
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Django backend app for messaging system, utilizing Django REST framework.
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My Computer Science degree's final project, developed as a software house project. Built with React and Django with MySQL database.
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Vending machine API made with Django Rest Framework.
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OpenTour API written in Python with Django and Django REST Framework
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дипломный проект "ERP-система для предприятия "ЧЗСО"
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Administración de citas y contactos
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Приложение на платформе Django REST framework.